Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about our books and offers, please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, you can give us a call – we hope to hear from you soon!

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  • How do i purchase my chosen book?

    Please click on the image of the book to be directed to our amazon page where you can complete your purchase. 

  • What type of book can I buy?

    We have 2 options for each book which are E books and Paperback which can be purchased by clicking on the book image to be taken to amazon to complete purchase.

  • How will my book be delivered?

    Amazon will deliver direct to your address.

  • What language do your Faith books published in?

    Our faith books are published in english as well as chinese, french, spanish and arabic languages.

  • What language do your Non- Faith books published in?

    Our non - faith books are published in english language only.

  • Can I print or copy text from an eBook?

    No, As the book is covered by copyright.

  • Do I need to buy the paperback book & the digital copy/eBook?

    No, You dont need to buy both for your own personal use. Yes if you wish to have a copy of the paperback as well the ebook for yourself and to give as a gift. 

  • Will the Author write a book upon a requested title?

    The authour will consider the request and may carry out the research on the proposed title. 

  • What is the content of the all faith books?

    Each of the (All faith books) contains chapters over 12 different faiths.

  • Are the Academic/Non-Faith books suitable for collages, universities & anyone who wishes to gain knowledge on the subject.

    Yes in most of these books, the authour has qualifications up to degree level and experience on the subject matter, Authors qualifications are show either on some of the book covers or inside the books as well as stated on the author page on the website.

  • Has the Author got qualifications in the books?

    Yes, in most of these books, the Author has qualifications: Certificate, Diploma, Master, doctorate level and experience on the subject matter; the Author's qualifications are shown either on some of the book covers or inside the books as well as stated on the author page on the website.

  • Can I contact the Author to recommend a faith or non-faith book to buy?

    James safo, who wrote all 152 books on this website, will be delighted to speak to you on the phone ( +44 (0)7412310304 or by email; faithunitybooks@gmail.com

  • Will the Author recommend what faith/religion to join?

    No. God/Allah/ Panama Nanda gave all humans free will to choose.

  • Can the Academic books cover syllabi in other countries?

    Yes, most of them can be used in Western countries, including Europe, the United States of America, Australia, Canada and Africa, and any countries that use English in Teaching. 

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